Board Feedback Umpire Pay Increase: Currently: The plate umpire is paid $100 a game and the base umpire is paid $80 a game. In the case that only one umpire is present, they are paid $100 a game. Proposed Change: In the case that only one umpire is present, they would be paid $130 for the game. The rates for the case of multiple umpires will remain unchanged. ---I am in favor of the proposed pay increaseI am opposed to the proposed pay increase Limiting Pickoff Attempts: New MLB pace of play rule change regarding pickoff attempts, taken from Pitchers are limited to two disengagements (pickoff attempts or step-offs) per plate appearance. However, this limit is reset if a runner or runners advance during the plate appearance. If a third pickoff attempt is made, the runner automatically advances one base if the pickoff attempt is not successful. ---I am in favor of adopting the pickoff limitI am opposed to adopting the pickoff limit Additional Comments (optional) Your Name Your Email